Portugal Bird List Birding Holiday Guido & Karien 4 to 11 June Alentejo

From 4 to 11 June 2018 Guido & Karien stayed with us at Monte Horizonte during their birding holiday. Below the list of 114 different species of birds they spotted: Barn Swallow Bee-eater Bkue-headed Wagtail Black Redstart Black-bellied Sandgrouse Blackbird Blackcap Black-headed Gull Black-headed Wheatear Black-winged Stilt Blue Tit Booted Eagle Calandra Lark Carrion Crow…

New at the website Birdwatching Alentejo: Red-breasted Merganser

I have added a new page to the website Birdwatching Alentejo: Red-breasted Merganser To view the page click on the next link: https://birdwatchingalentejo.com/red-breasted-merganser-middelste-zaagbek-mittelsager-merganso-de-poupa-serreta-mediana/ Happy Birdwatching in Portugal,  Bert   P.s. We do offer individual guided birdwatching tours, trips, excursions and also birding holidays.