Tawny Pipit, Duinpieper, Brachpieper, Petinha-dos-campos, Bisbita Campestre
Spotted in the Alentejo region of Portugal. Tawny Pipit sound
The Tawny Pipit (Anthus campestris) is a medium-large passerine bird which breeds in much of temperate Europe and Asia, and northwest Africa. It is a migrant moving in winter to tropical Africa and the Indian subcontinent.

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This is a large pipit, 16 centimetres (6.3 in) long with wing-span 25–28 centimetres (9.8–11 in), but is an undistinguished looking species on the ground, mainly sandy brown above and pale below. It is very similar to Richard’s Pipit, but is slightly smaller, has shorter wings, tail and legs and a narrower dark bill. It is also less streaked. Its flight is strong and direct, and it gives a characteristic “schip” call, higher pitched than Richard’s.
Its song is a short repetition of a loud disyllabic chir-ree chir-ree.
In south Asia, in winter some care must be taken to distinguish this from other large pipits which winter or are resident in the area, including Richard’s Pipit, Blyth’s Pipit and Paddyfield Pipit. Tawny Pipit is insectivorous, like its relatives.
The breeding habit is dry open country including semi-deserts. The nest is on the ground, with 4-6 eggs being laid.

Other synonyms:
Asturian: Tordina, Tordina Chis
Breton: Ar sidan-krineg
Catalan: Titeta de Richard, Titina d’estiu, Titina d’estiu, Trobat
Catalan (Balears): Titina d’estiu, Titina d’estiu
Valencian: Titeta de Richard
Czech: Linduška úhorní
Welsh: Corhedydd melyn
Danish: Markpiber
German: Bachpieper, Brachpieper
English: Tawny Pipit
Esperanto: sablopipio
Spanish: Bisbita Campestre
Estonian: Nommekiur, Nõmmekiur
Basque: Landa-txirta, Trobat
Finnish: Nummikirvinen
Faroese: Ongtítlingur
French: Argodrome champêtre, Pipit rousseline
Irish: Riabhóg Dhonn
Galician: Pica campestre, Trobat
Manx: Fushag ghoan
Croatian: Primorska Trepetljka, Primorska trepteljka, Trepteljka žvrljinka
Hungarian: Parlagi pityer
Icelandic: Sandtittlingur
Italian: Calandro, Calandro comune
Japanese: Muji ta-hibari, mujitahibari
Latin: Agrodroma campestris, Anthus campestris
Lithuanian: Dirvoninis kalviukas
Maltese: Bilblun
Dutch: Duinpieper
Norwegian: Markpiplerke
Polish: swiergotek polny, Swiergotek szponiasty
Portuguese: petinha dos campos, Petinha-dos-campos
Romansh: Pivet cotschnì
Russian: Polevoy Konyok
Slovenian: rjava cipa
Albanian: Drenja e fushës
Serbian: stepska trepteljka
Swedish: Fältpiplärka
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