Extraordinary summer visitors in Alentejo region of Portugal

The Alentejo region of Portugal is a haven for birdwatchers, offering the chance to spot a variety of extraordinary summer visitors. Some notable species include: European Bee-eater (Merops apiaster): Recognizable by their vivid colors and agile flight. European Roller (Coracias garrulus): With striking blue plumage and dramatic flight displays. Lesser Kestrel (Falco naumanni): A small…

Ducks to see in winter in Alentejo Portugal

Here is a comprehensive list of duck species that can be observed during the winter months in the Alentejo region of Portugal. These include both common and rare species: Dabbling Ducks (Surface Feeders) Mallard (Anas platyrhynchos) Common and widespread, found in most wetlands. Gadwall (Mareca strepera) Prefers shallow lakes and wetlands. Northern Pintail (Anas acuta)…

Portugal Bird List Birding Holiday Guido & Karien 4 to 11 June Alentejo

From 4 to 11 June 2018 Guido & Karien stayed with us at Monte Horizonte during their birding holiday. Below the list of 114 different species of birds they spotted: Barn Swallow Bee-eater Bkue-headed Wagtail Black Redstart Black-bellied Sandgrouse Blackbird Blackcap Black-headed Gull Black-headed Wheatear Black-winged Stilt Blue Tit Booted Eagle Calandra Lark Carrion Crow…

Portugal Bird List Birding Holiday Zundert Bird and Nature Work Group 13 to 21 April Alentejo

From 13 to 21 April the Zundert Bird and Nature Work Group stayed with us at Monte Horizonte during their birding holiday. Below the impressive list of 162 different species of birds they spotted: Alpine SwiftBarn SwallowBar-tailed GodwitBee-eaterBkue-headed WagtailBlack KiteBlack RedstartBlack ScoterBlack WheatearBlack-bellied SandgrouseBlackbirdBlackcapBlack-headed GullBlack-headed WeaverBlack-headed WheatearBlack-necked GrebeBlack-winged KiteBlack-winged StiltBlue TitBooted EagleBullfinchCalandra LarkCarrion CrowCaspian TernCattle EgretCetti´s…

Portugal Birdlist Birding Holiday Karel & Aline Septemer Alentejo

From 11 to 18 September Karel & Aline stayed with us at Monte Horizonte during their birding holiday. Below the list of 125 different species of birds they spotted: Alpine SwiftBarn SwallowBar-tailed GodwitBlack KiteBlack RedstartBlack TernBlack-bellied SandgrouseBlackbirdBlackcapBlack-headed GullBlack-tailed GodwitBlack-winged KiteBlack-winged StiltBlue TitBooted EagleCalandra LarkCarrion CrowCattle EgretCetti´s WarblerChaffinchCommon BuzzardCommon SandpiperCommon Wood-PigeonCootCorn BuntingCory´s ShearwaterCrag martinCrested LarkCrested TitCurlewCurlew SandpiperDunlinEgyptian…

Portugal Birdlist Birding Holiday Guido & Frieda March Alentejo

From 6 to 13 March Guido & Frieda stayed with us at Monte Horizonte during their birding holiday.  Below the list of 128 different species of birds they spotted: Barn SwallowBlack KiteBlack RedstartBlack-bellied SandgrouseBlackbirdBlackcapBlack-headed GullBlack-necked GrebeBlack-tailed GodwitBlack-winged KiteBlack-winged StiltBlue TitCarrion CrowCattle EgretCetti´s WarblerChaffinchChiffchaffCirlbuntingCommon BuzzardCommon SandpiperCommon Wood-PigeonCootCorn BuntingCraneCrested LarkCrested TitCuckooCurlewCurlew SandpiperDunlinDunnockEurasian Collared-DoveEurasian WigeonEuropean GoldfinchEuropean SerinFerrugenious DuckGadwallGannetGlossy…