Redstart, Gekraagde Roodstaart, Gartenrotschwanz, Rabirruivo-de-testa-branca, Colirrojo real
Spotted on our property Monte Horizonte in the Alentejo region of Portugal. Redstart sound
Redstarts are a group of small Old World birds. They were formerly classified in the thrush family (Turdidae), but are more often now treated as part of the Old World flycatcher family (Muscicapidae). There are two main groups: the true redstarts of the genus Phoenicurus and the more aberrant and not too closely related White-capped, Plumbeous, Luzon, and White-bellied Redstarts.

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These are insectivorous ground feeding birds, many of which have the red tail (“start” is the modern English reflex of Middle English stert, Old English steort, tail of an animal), which gives the group its name. Most northern species are strong migrants.
New World redstarts of the genera Setophaga and Myioborus are not closely related; they are New World warblers of the family Parulidae. Members of the latter genus are sometimes called “whitestarts”.
There are two main groups: the true redstarts of the genus Phoenicurus and the more aberrant and not too closely related White-capped, Plumbeous, Luzon, and White-bellied Redstarts.
These are insectivorous ground feeding birds, many of which have the red tail (“start” is the modern English reflex of Middle English stert, Old English steort, tail of an animal), which gives the group its name. Most northern species are strong migrants.
New World redstarts of the genera Setophaga and Myioborus are not closely related; they are New World warblers of the family Parulidae. Members of the latter genus are sometimes called “whitestarts”.

Other synonyms:
Afrikaans: Europese Rooistert
Asturian: Temblerina
Azerbaijani: Adi odquyruq
Breton: Ar rulosteg vailh
Catalan: Coa-roja, Cotxa cua-roja
Catalan (Balears): Coa-roja
Valencian: Còlbit pàl·lid
Czech: Rehek zahradní
Welsh: Coch y fflam, Deryn coch y fflam, Llostrudden, Llostruddyn, Rhonell goch, Tinboeth, Tingoch
Danish: Rødstjert
German: Gartenrotschwantz, Gartenrotschwanz
English: Common Redstart, Eurasian Redstart, European Redstart, Redstart, White-fronted Redstart
Spanish: Colirrojo Real
Estonian: Aed-Lepalind, Lepalind, lepalind (aed-lepalind)
Basque: Buztangorri argi, Buztangorri argia, Cotxa cua-roja
Finnish: Leppälintu
Faroese: VelreyðI
French: Rougequeue à front blanc, Rougequeue de muraille
Irish: Ceanndeargán, Earrdheargán
Gaelic: Ceann Dearg, Eàrr Dhearg
Galician: Cotxa cua-roja , Rabirrubio de testa branca
Manx: Kiaulleyder jiarg
Croatian: Šumska Crvenperka, Šumska crvenrepka
Hungarian: Házi rozsdafarkú, Kerti rozsdafarkú
Icelandic: Garðaskotta
Italian: Codirosso, Codirosso comune
Japanese: Shirobai-joubitaki, Shiro-bitai jou-bitaki, shirobitaijoubitaki
Cornish: Tyngough
Latin: Phoenicurus phoenicurus
Maltese: Kudirross
Dutch: Gekraagde Roodstaart, Roodstaart
Norwegian: Rødstjert
Polish: Kopciuszek, pleszka, pleszka (zwyczajna), Pleszka zwyczajna
Portuguese: Rabirruivo-de-testa-branca, rabiruivo de testa branca, Rabiruivo-de-testa-branca
Romansh: Cuacotschna da curtin
Russian: Obyknovennaya Gorikhvostka
Scots: Ceann dearg
Northern Sami: Leaibeloddi
Slovak: Žltochvost hôrny
Slovenian: pogorelcek, pogorel?ek
Albanian: Bishtkuq, Bishtkuqi i mureve
Serbian: Obicna crvenorepka
Swedish: Rödstjärt
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