Iberian Grey Shrike, Iberische Groene Specht, Iberiengrünspecht, Pica-pau-verde-ibérico, Pito real ibérico
Spotted on our property Monte Horizonte in the Alentejo Region of Portugal. Iberian Green Woodpecker sound
The Iberian Green Woodpecker (Picus sharpei) is a medium-sized woodpecker endemic to the Iberian peninsula. It is also known as the Iberian Woodpecker. It is sometimes considered a subspecies of the European Green Woodpecker.

More photos at the bottom of this page.
This species is found in relatively dry open woodland, both deciduous and mixed, as well as plantations, orchards, farmland and pastures, parks and gardens and locally in grassy dunes. It requires some mature trees and clearings with adjacent grassland and is found in the lowlands and hills to mountains up to ca. 3,000 m. It lays from the end of March to June. Both parents incubate the clutch which is usually five to eight eggs. The nest is excavated at up to 10 m in a tree (del Hoyo et al. 2015). It feeds on ground-dwelling ants. Other insects are taken on the ground or in trees and occasionally fruit is taken too (Gorman 2014). The species is resident, with some local movements outside the breeding season (del Hoyo et al. 2015).

Other synonyms:
Catalan: Picot verd, Picot verd ibèric
Czech: žluna španělská
Danish: Iberisk Grønspætte
German: Grünspecht-sharpei, Iberiengrünspecht, Iberischer Grünspecht
English: Eurasian Green Woodpecker (Iberian), Green Woodpecker (Iberian), Iberian Eurasian Green Woodpecker, Iberian Green Woodpecker, Iberian Woodpecker
Spanish: Pito ibérico, Pito real ibérico
French: Pic de Sharpe, Pic ibérique
Italian: Picchio di Sharpe
Latin: Picus sharpei, Picus viridis sharpei
Dutch: Iberische Groene Specht
Polish: dzieciol iberyjski, dzięcioł iberyjski
Russian: Дятел Шарпа
Slovak: žlna pyrenejská
Swedish: iberisk gröngöling
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