European Serin, Europese Kanarie, Girlitz, Chamariz-comum, Verdecillo
Spotted on Monte Horizonte in the Alentejo region of Portugal. European Serin sound
The European Serin, or just Serin (Serinus serinus) is the smallest European species of the family of finches (Fringillidae) and is closely related to the Canary. Its diet consists mainly of a combination of buds and seeds.

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It is a small short-tailed bird, 11-12 cm in length. The upper parts are dark-streaked greyish green, with a yellow rump. The yellow breast and white belly are also heavily streaked. The male has a brighter yellow face and breast, yellow wing bars and yellow tail sides. The song of this bird is a buzzing trill, very familiar in Mediterranean countries.
It breeds across southern and central Europe and north Africa. Southern and Atlantic coast populations are largely resident, but the northern breeders migrate further south in Europe for the winter. Open woodland and cultivation, often with some conifers, is favoured for breeding. It builds its nest in a shrub or tree, laying 3-5 eggs. It forms flocks outside the breeding season, sometimes mixed with other finches.
The food is mainly seeds, and, in the breeding season, insects. This small serin is an active and often conspicuous bird.

Other synonyms:
Asturian: Verderín
Breton: Ar seran
Catalan: Gafarró
Catalan (Balears): Gafarró
Czech: Zvonohlík zahradní
Welsh: Llinos frech
Danish: Gulirisk
German: Girlitz, Girliz
English: Common Serin, European Serin, Serin, Serin Finch
Spanish: Pinzón real, Serín, Verdecillo, Verdecillo europeo
Estonian: Koldvint
Basque: Gafarró, Txirriskil arrunta
Finnish: Keltahemppo
Faroese: Gulígða
French: Serin cini
Irish: Seirín
Galician: Gafarró, Xirín
Croatian: Žutarica
Hungarian: Csicsörke
Icelandic: Gulfinka
Italian: Verzellino, Verzellino comune, Verzellino europeo
Japanese: serin
Latin: Serinus serinus
Maltese: Apparel
Dutch: Europese Kanarie
Norwegian: Gulirisk
Polish: kulczyk, kulczyk (zwyczajny), Kulczyk zwyczajny
Portuguese: Amarelinha, chamariz, Chamariz-comum, Serino
Romansh: Serin
Slovak: kanárik polný
Slovenian: grilcek
Albanian: Zog bari sqepshkurtër
Serbian: divlja kanarinka, kanarinka, žutarica
Swedish: Gulhämpling
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