Crested Tit, Kuifmees, Haubenmeise, Chapim-de-poupa, Carbonero lapón
Spotted on Monte Horizonte in the Alentejo region of Portugal. Crested Tit sound
The Crested Tit, Lophophanes cristatus (formerly Parus cristatus), is a passerine bird in the tit family Paridae. It is a widespread and common resident breeder in coniferous forests throughout central and northern Europe and in deciduous woodland in France and the Iberian peninsula.

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In Great Britain, it is chiefly restricted to the ancient pinewoods of Inverness and Strathspey in Scotland, and seldom strays far from its haunts. A few vagrant Crested Tits have been seen in England. It is resident, and most birds do not migrate.
It is an easy tit to recognise, for besides its erectile crest, the tip of which is often recurved, its gorget and collar are distinctive. It is, like other tits, talkative, and birds keep up a constant zee, zee, zee Birdsong, similar to that of the Coal Tit .
It makes a nest in a hole in rotting stumps. This bird often feeds low down in trees, but although not shy, it is not always easily approached. It will join winter tit flocks with other species.
Like other tits, it feeds on insects, including caterpillars, seeds.
This species was formerly placed in Parus, but distinctness of Lophophanes is well-supported, and now recognised by the AOU and the BOU as a distinct genus.

Other synonyms:
Asturian: Ferrerín de Picona, Veranín de Moñu
Breton: Ar pennlaouig kuch
Catalan: Ferrerico de capell, Mallerenga emplomallada
Catalan (Balears): Ferrerico de capell
Czech: sýkora parukáøka, Sýkora parukárka
Welsh: Titw copog
Danish: Topmejse
German: Haubenmeise
English: Crested Tit, European Crested Tit, Northern Crested Tit
Esperanto: tufparuo
Spanish: Carbonero Capuchino, Carbonero lapón, Herrerillo Capuchino
Estonian: Tutt-tihane
Basque: Amilotx mottodun, Amilotx mottoduna, Mallerenga emplomallada
Finnish: Töyhtötiainen
French: Mésange huppée
Irish: Meantán cuircíneach
Gaelic: Cailleach Bheag a’ Chìrein, Gulpag Stuic
Galician: Ferreiriño cristado, Mallerenga emplomallada
Manx: Drean mollagh
Croatian: Kaporasta sjenica, Kukmasta sjenica
Hungarian: Búbos cinege
Armenian: Poopoolavor Yerashtahuv
Icelandic: Toppmeisa
Italian: Cincia dal ciuffo
Japanese: Kammuri gara, kammurigara, kanmurigara
Cornish: Penglow penvagas
Latin: Lophophanes cristatus, Parus cristatus
Limburgish: Matkopmeis
Dutch: Kuifmees
Norwegian: Toppmeis
Polish: czubatka, Sikora czubata
Portuguese: Chapim-de-poupa
Romansh: Maset da la cresta
Russian: Khokhlataya Sinitsa
Scots: Gulpag stuic
Slovak: Sýkorka chochlatá
Slovenian: copasta sinica
Albanian: Trishtili me çafkë
Serbian: cubasta sjenica
Swedish: Tofsmes
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