Crested Lark, Kuifleeuwerik, Haubenlerche, Cotovia-de-poupa, Cogujada Común
Spotted in the Alentejo region of Portugal. Crested Lark sound
The Crested Lark, Galerida cristata, breeds across most of temperate Eurasia from Portugal to northeast China and eastern India, and in Africa south to Niger. It is non-migratory, and the sedentary nature of this species is illustrated by the fact that it is only a very rare vagrant to Great Britain, despite breeding as close as northern France.

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The Crested Lark, Galerida cristata, breeds across most of temperate Eurasia from Portugal to northeast China and eastern India, and in Africa south to Niger. It is non-migratory, and the sedentary nature of this species is illustrated by the fact that it is only a very rare vagrant to Great Britain, despite breeding as close as northern France.
This is a common bird of dry open country and cultivation. It nests on the ground, laying two or three eggs. Its food is weed seeds and insects, the latter especially in the breeding season.
This is a smallish lark, slightly larger and plumper than the Skylark. It has a long spiky erectile crest. It is greyer than the Skylark, and lacks the white wing and tail edges of that species.
In flight it shows reddish underwings. The body is mainly dark-streaked grey above and whitish below. The song is melodious and varied, with mournful whistles and mimicry included.
Some care must be taken to distinguish this lark, which has many subspecies, from its close relatives in areas where they also occur. In the west of its range the Thekla Lark, Galerida theklae, is very similar, as is the Malabar Lark, Galerida malabarica, in western India.

Other synonyms:
Asturian: Crestellina
Catalan: Cogullada vulgar, Oroneta cua-blanca
Valencian: Oroneta cua-blanca
Czech: Chocholouš obecný
Welsh: Ehedydd copog
Danish: Toplærke
German: Haubenlerche
Emiliano-romagnolo: Rundanéna
English: Common Crested-Lark, Crested Lark
Esperanto: tufalaûdo
Spanish: Cagujada Común, Cogujada Comun, Cogujada común, Cojugada Común
Estonian: Tuttlõoke
Basque: Cogullada vulgar , Kutturlio arrunt, Kutturlio arrunta
Finnish: Töyhtökiuru, Työhtökiuru
Faroese: Topplerkur
French: Alouette cochevis, Cochevis huppé
Galician: Andoriña de cú branco, Cogullada vulgar , Cotovía cristada
Manx: Ushag happagh
Croatian: Kukmasta Ševa, Kukuljava ševa
Hungarian: Búbos pacsirta, Búbospacsirta
Icelandic: Topplævirki
Italian: Capellaccia, Cappellaccia, Cappellaccia comune
Japanese: kammurihibari, kanmurihibari, Kanmuri-hibari
Latin: Galerida cristata
Ligurian: Çeneento
Lithuanian: Kuoduotasis vieversys
Dutch: Kuifleeuwerik
Norwegian: Topplerke
Polish: dzierlatka, dzierlatka
Portuguese: cotovia de poupa, Cotovia-de-poupa
Romansh: Lodola da la cresta
Russian: Khokhlaty Zhavoronok
Slovak: Pipíška chochlatá
Slovenian: copasti škrjanec
Albanian: Çerdhukull, Dervishi
Serbian: cubasta ševa
Swedish: Tofslärka
Swahili: Kipozamataza Kishungi, Suzanne
Turkish: Tepeli toygar
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