Bluethroat, Blauwborst, Blaukelchen, Pisco-de-peito-azul, Pechiazul
Spotted in the Alentejo region of Portugal. Bluethroat sound
The Bluethroat (Luscinia svecica) is a small passerine bird that was formerly classed as a member of the thrush family Turdidae, but is now more generally considered to be an Old World flycatcher, Muscicapidae. It, and similar small European species, are often called chats.

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It is a migratory insectivorous species breeding in wet birch wood or bushy swamp in Europe and Asia with a foothold in western Alaska. It nests in tussocks or low in dense bushes. It winters in north Africa and India.
The Bluethroat is similar in size to the European Robin at 13-14 cm. It is plain brown above except for the distinctive black tail with red side patches. It has a strong white supercilium. The male has a blue bib edged below with successive black, white and rust coloured borders. Some races, such as L. svecica svecica (Red-spotted Bluethroat) of northern Eurasia, have a red spot in the centre of the blue bib.
Others, such as L. svecica cyanecula (White-spotted Bluethroat) of southern and central Europe, have a white spot in the centre of the blue bib. L. svecica magna in Turkey has no central spot.
Females of all races usually have just a blackish crescent on an otherwise cream throat and breast. Newly fledged juveniles are freckled and spotted dark brown above.
Despite the distinctive appearance of the males, recent genetic studies show only limited variation between the forms, and confirm that this is a single species.
The male has a loud, varied, and sometimes imitative song reminiscent of its relative, the Nightingale. Its call is a typical chat “chack” noise.

Other synonyms:
Asturian: Arcazuere, Gorguiella Azul
Breton: Ar vronnlaz boutin
Bosnian: Slavuj
Catalan: Blaveta, Cotxa blava, Rossinyòl
Catalan (Balears): Blaveta
Valencian: Rossinyòl
Czech: Slavík modrácek
Welsh: Bronlas, Bronlas smotyn coch, Gwddflas
Danish: Blåhals
German: Blaukehlchen, Blaukelchen
English: Bluethroat, bluethroat redpoll, Blue-throated Redstart, bluethroats, Red-spotted Bluethroat, Siberian Red-spotted Bluethroat, White-spotted Bluethroat
Spanish: Pechiazul, Ruiseñor Pechiazul
Estonian: Sinirind, Tundra-sinirind
Basque: Cotxa blava , Paparrurdin, Paparrurdina
Finnish: Sinirinta
Faroese: Blákriki
French: Gorgebleu, Gorgebleue, Gorgebleue à miroir
Irish: Gormphíb
Gaelic: Oranaiche
Galician: Cotxa blava , Papoazul
Guarani: Masakaragua’i, Masakaragua’i
Manx: Scoarnagh ghorrym, Scroarnagh Ghorrym
Croatian: Modrovoljka, Modrovoljka bjelokrpica
Hungarian: Kékbegy
Icelandic: Blábrystingur
Italian: Pettazzurro, Rescegnuolo
Napulitano: Rescegnuolo
Japanese: Ogawa koma-dori, ogawakomadori, Ogawa-komadori
Karelian: Soloveilinduine
Latin: Cyanecula suecica, Cyanosylvia suecica, Cyanosylvia svecica, Erithacus svecica, Erithacus svecicus, Erithacus svecius, Luscinia svecica, Luscinia svecicus
Ligurian: Roscignêu
Maltese: Kudirross Blu
Dutch: Blauwborst, Blauwborstje
Norwegian: Bjellefugl, Blåstrupe, Vidjespiller
Napoletano-calabrese: Ruscignòlu
Polish: podrózniczek, Slowik rdzawy
Portuguese: pisco de peito azul, Pisco-de-peito-azul
Romansh: puppen blau, Puppenblau
Russian: Varakushka
Sicilian: Rusignolu
Scots: Oranaiche
Northern Sami: Giellavealgu
Slovak: Slávik modrák
Slovenian: modra tašcica, modri slavec
Albanian: Bilbili gjokskaltër
Serbian: modovoljka, Modrovoljka
Swedish: Blåhake
Turkmen: Bilbil
Tatar: Bülbül
Venetian: Rossignolo, Russignol
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