
We offer half day tour to the Lagoa de Santo André.

We will make a round tour and stay at several spots near the lagoon for 3 hours.

Best season: All year

List of Special Birds:

Purple Heron ( Ardea purpurea ), Flamingo ( Phoenicopterus roseus ), Gadwall ( Anas strepera ), Garganey ( Anas querquedula ), Red-Chrested Pochard ( Netta rufina ), Pochard ( Aythya ferina ), Osprey ( Pandion haliaetus ), Hobby ( Falco subbuteo ), Little Tern ( Sterna albifrons ), Great Reed Warbler ( Acrocephalus scirpaceus ), Savi´s Warbler ( Locustella luscinioides ), Purple Swamhen ( Porphyrio porphyrio ), Squacco Heron ( Ardeola ralloides ). 

List of Other Birds:

Little Grebe ( Tachybaptus ruficollis ), Cormorant ( Phalacrocorax carbo ), Glossy Ibis ( Plegadis falcinellus ), Teal ( Anas crecca ), Mallard ( Anas platyrhynchos ), Marsh Herrier ( Circus aeruginosus ), Coot ( Fulica atra ), Moorhen ( Gallinula chloropus ), Black-winged Stilt ( Himantopus himantopus ), Kentish Plover ( Charadrius alexandrinus ), Snipe ( Gallinago gallinago ), Black-tailed Godwit ( Limosa limosa ), Yello-legged Gull ( Larus michahellis ), Green Woodpecker ( Picus viridis ), Great Spotted Woodpecker ( Dendrocopos major ), Great Reed Warbler ( Acrocephalus arundinaceus ), Nuthatch ( Sitta europaea ), Short-toed Treecreeper ( Certhia brachydactyla ), Azure-winged Magpie ( Cyanopica cyanus )

List of Rare Birds:

Black-throated Loon ( Gavia arctica ), White Pelican ( Pelecanus onocrotalus ), Barnacle Goose ( Branta leucopsis ), Brent Goose ( Branta bernicla ), Blue-winged Teal ( Anas discors ), Marbled Duck ( Marmaronetta angustirostris ),
Green-winged Teal ( Anas carolinensis ), Ruddy Duck ( Oxyura jamaicensis ), Ferruginious Duck ( Aythya nyroca ),
Ring-necked Duck ( Aythya collaris ), Red-knobbed Coot ( Fulica cristata ), Cream-coloured Courser ( Cursorius cursor ), Pectora Sandpiper ( Calidris melanotos ), Red-necked Phalarope ( Phalaropus lobatus ), Slender-billed Gull ( Larus genei ), Ring-billed Gull ( Larus delawarensis ), White-winged Tern ( Chlidonias leucopterus ), Richard´s Pipit ( Anthus richardi ), Red-throated Pipit ( Anthus cervinus ), Citrine Wagtail ( Motacilla citreola ), Paddyfield Warbler ( Acrocephalus agricola ), Aquatic Warbler ( Acrocephalus paludicola ), Moustached Warbler ( Acrocephalus melanopogon ), Little Bunting ( Emberiza pusilla ), Pallas´s Reed Bunting ( Emberiza pallasi ).

Osprey Birding Portugal


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